
The format API is available in the header nanofmt/format.h.

The header nanofmt/forward.h offers forward declarations of nanofmt types, including the formatter<T> template that users must specialize to support custom types.

Extensions for C++ standard library string types are in the header nanofmt/std_string.h.

Format to Array

The nanofmt::format_to() functions format a given format string and arguments into the target buffer. The result will be NUL-terminated. The return value is a pointer to the terminating NUL character.

The nanofmt::format_append_to() functions format a given format string and arguments onto the end of target buffer. The result will be NUL- terminated. The return value is a pointer to the terminating NUL character.

char *nanofmt::format_to(char (&dest)[N], format_string format_str, Args const&... args)
char *nanofmt::vformat_to(char (&dest)[N], format_string format_str, format_args args)
char *nanofmt::format_append_to(char (&dest)[N], format_string format_str, Args const&... args)
char *nanofmt::vformat_append_to(char (&dest)[N], format_string format_str, format_args args)

Length-Delimited Formatting

The nanofmt::format_to_n() functions format a given format string and arguments into the target buffer, up to the given number of characters. The result will NOT be NUL-terminated. The return value is a pointer to one past the last character written.

The nanofmt::format_append_to_n() functions format a given format string and arguments onto the end of the target buffer, up to the given number of characters. The result will NOT be NUL-terminated. The return value is a pointer to one past the last character written.

char *nanofmt::format_to_n(char *dest, std::size_t count, format_string format_str, Args const&... args)
char *nanofmt::vformat_to_n(char *dest, std::size_t count, format_string format_str, format_args&&)
char *nanofmt::format_append_to_n(char *dest, std::size_t count, format_string format_str, Args const&... args)
char *nanofmt::vformat_append_to_n(char *dest, std::size_t count, format_string format_str, format_args&&)

Custom Formatters

The nanofmt::formatter template must be specialized to add support for user-provided types.

Two member functions, parse and format, must be implemented on the specialized structure for nanofmt to work.

template<typename T>
struct nanofmt::formatter

Custom formatter. May include any member variables necesasry to convey format information from parse to format.

char const *parse(char const *in, char const *end)

Consumes characters from in up to, but not including, end. Returns a pointer to one past the last character consumed.

void format(T const &value, format_output &out) const

Formats value to out.

A header implementing a custom formatter may choose to only depend on nanofmt/foward.h header. This header does not offer any of the implementations, nor does it provide declarations of the formatting functions. A formatter may work around this by specifying the format_output& parameter of format as a template, as in:

#include <nanofmt/forward.h>

namespace nanofmt {
  struct formatter<my_type> {
    constexpr char const* parse(char const* in, char const*) noexcept;

    template <typename OutputT>
    void format(my_type const& value, OutputT& output);

Format Length

The nanofmt::format_length() function returns the length of result of formatting the given format string and arguments, excluding any terminating NUL character.

size_t nanofmt::format_length(format_string format_str, Args const&... args)
size_t nanofmt::vformat_length(format_string format_str, format_args args)

Output Buffers

struct nanofmt::format_output

Format to Buffer

The nanofmt::format_output& overloads of nanofmt::format_to() format a given format string and arguments into the target buffer. The result will not be NUL-terminated. The return value is the buffer object itself.

format_output &format(format_string fmt, Args const&... args)

Formats the given format string and argument into the buffer.

format_output &vformat(format_string fmt, format_args args)

Formats the given format string and argument into the buffer.

constexpr format_output &append(char const *const zstr) noexcept

Appends the contents of zstr to the buffer.

constexpr format_output &append(char const *source, std::size_t length) noexcept

Appends length characters from source to the buffer.

constexpr format_output &put(char ch) noexcept

Appends the character ch to the buffer.

constexpr format_output &fill_n(char ch, std::size_t count) noexcept

Appends count copies of the character ch to the buffer.

constexpr format_output &advance_to(char *const p) noexcept

Updates the buffer position to p and adjusts the advance member appropriately.

char *pos = nullptr

Current output position of the buffer. For custom formatting operations, use this value for the output position. The advance_to() function should always be preferred for mutating the pos member.

char const *end = nullptr

The end pointer for the buffer. Custom formatting code should never advance pos past the end pointer, and should never dereference end.

std::size_t advance = 0

The number of characters that were written to the buffer, ignoring any truncation. Even when pos equals end, operations on the buffer will still increment advance.

The advance_to() member function should be preferred over directly mutating advance.

String Utilities

General string utiltities that are useful in implementing formatting.

char *copy_to(char *dest, char const *end, char const *source) noexcept

Copy the source string to the destination buffer, but not extending past the provided buffer end pointer. Returns the pointer one past the last character written.

char *copy_to_n(char *dest, char const *end, char const *source, std::size_t length) noexcept

Copies up to length characters of source string to the destination buffer, but not extending past the provided buffer end pointer. Returns the pointer past the last character written.

char *put(char *dest, char const *end, char ch) noexcept

Copies the provided character ch to the destination buffer, but not extending past the provided buffer end pointer. Returns the pointer past the last character written.

char *fill_n(char *dest, char const *end, char ch, std::size_t count) noexcept

Copies count copies of the charcter ch to the destination buffer, but not extending past the provided buffer end pointer. Returns the pointer past the last character written.

std::size_t strnlen(char const *buffer, std::size_t count) noexcept

Returns the length of the string in buffer, to a maximum of count.

Format Strings

nanofmt uses a nanofmt::format_string structure for receiving its format strings, to decouple from and support various string types and classes. Many string types should automatically convert to format_string; for string types that don’t already support conversion to format_string, a nanofmt::to_format_string() function can be implemented.

struct nanofmt::format_string

Receiver for format strings. Only implicitly constructs from string literals (constant character arrays). Can be explicitly constructed from other string types.

template<typename T>
format_string nanofmt::to_format_string(T const &value) noexcept

Converts a given string type to a nanofmt::format_string. Works on most standard string types with data() and size() member functions.

Overload to add support for other string types that require different means of converted to a format_string.

struct nanofmt::format_string_view

A very simple wrapper around a pointer and length. This is provided to make it easier to write nanofmt::formatter specializations that work on length-delimited string views, by deriving from nanofmt::formatter<format_string_view>.

char const *string = nullptr
std::size_t length = 0

Variadic Arguments

struct nanofmt::format_args

List of format args. Typically only constructed from nanofmt::make_format_args(). Does not take ownership of any internal data.


Storing an instance of format_args can result in dangling references.

auto nanofmt::make_format_args(Args const&... args)


This function should usually only be used directly in a call to a function accepting a nanofmt::format_args parameter.

Character Conversion

The character conversion API is available in the header nanofmt/charconv.h.

char *nanofmt::to_chars(char *dest, char const *end, IntegerT value, int_format fmt = int_format::decimal) noexcept

Formats value into the buffer using the base specified in fmt.

char *nanofmt::to_chars(char *dest, char const *end, FloatT value, float_format fmt) noexcept

Formats value into the buffer using the base specified in fmt. Uses the shortest precision.

char *nanofmt::to_chars(char *dest, char const *end, FloatT value, float_format fmt, int precision) noexcept

Formats value into the buffer using the base specified in fmt. Uses the given precision, whose meaning depends on the specified format.

enum class nanofmt::int_format

Specify whether to use base 10, base 16, or base 2. Base 16 has an uppercase variant.

enumerator decimal

Base 10.

enumerator hex

Base 16.

enumerator hex_upper
enumerator binary

Base 2.

enum class nanofmt::float_format

Specify whether to use scientific, fixed, or general precision formatting. Scientific and general also have uppercase variants.

enumerator scientific

Scientific notation formats floating point values as [-]d.de[+-]dd.

enumerator scientific_upper
enumerator fixed

Fixed-point notation formats floating point values as [-]d.dddd.

enumerator general

General precision notation formats in either scientific or fixed-point notation, depending on the exponent of the value.

enumerator general_upper