

The design of nanofmt started by trying to closely match the interface of std::format and fmtlib. This includes the general naming of functions and types as well as the design of the make_format_args and related utilities.

Output Iterators

A major design note of nanofmt is that the only output target supported are char arrays. This is one of the largest simplifying factors in nanofmt vs either std::format or fmtlib.

This is feasible since fixed-size buffers and the complete avoidance of any allocating routines is exceedingly common in nanofmt’s target domains. In the rare cases that arbitrary-length formatting is required, the use of format_length allows pre-allocating any necessary buffer.

For one, arbitrary output iterator support effectively requires all formatting code to live in headers, with only the occassional pieces living in individual TUs. This is because the format_context<> in std::format/fmtlib is itself a type template.

Supporting arbitrary output iterators requires having full output iterator machinery in the first place. Output iterators that need to functions with fixed-length outputs are non-trivial to write.

More importantly, making such generalized output iterator support reasonably fast requires even more complexity in terms of temporary buffers, buffer flushing, and so on. Such buffering mechanisms are also required to enable any kind of efficient type-erasure of the output iterators.

There’s even further machinery necessary for making common output iterators efficient. Consider back_inserter<T>. An efficient implementation of std::format needs to detect that its output iterator is a back_inserter and transparently replace calls to push_back to more efficient append or insert invocations.

The use of these output iterators is mostly to support things like streaming to console IO, to support push_back into containers like std::string, or esoteric filtering mechanisms. None of these are essential to nanofmt’s target use cases.

The design and implementation pioneered by Victor Zverovich for fmtlib is some honestly amazing engineering! Victor and other fmtlib contributors deserve nothing but praise and respect for the incredible amount of work done to make fmtlib (and by extension std::format) feel natural, intuitive, and unsurprising in C++ while still having exceptionally good runtime efficiency.

nanofmt however is more for teams that feel that C-like APIs like snprintf are already the epitome of being natural, intuitive, and unsurprising; except of course for the limitations imposed by C’s varargs vs C++’s variadic tempaltes.

Ultimately, the complexity cost of supporting other kinds of output iterators is high, and the benefit for nanofmt users is low.


nanofmt only supports char and does not bother with any of wchar_t/ char8_t, char16_t, or char32_t.

Additionally, the L format specification flag is parsed but ignored.

nanofmt only supports char because that is, by and large, the only character type in active use in its target domains. Target systems can and do assume that all char* strings are UTF-8. The type-system bifurcation created by char8_t has caused problems for the few projects that took to using u8"" literals, as it required every function taking a char* to offer a second overload that also accepted char8_t*. The result has mostly been projects starting to use u8 literals in C++17 and abandoning them soon after since C++20 compatibility changed the types in a very incompatible and gratuitous way.

The localization flags are unsupported as the target uses of nanofmt tend not to ever bother with localization. Logging can actually be harmed by localization as it makes log parsers and alert systems far more difficult to deploy and maintain. “User-facing” formatting in nanofmt’s target domains is generally just developer tools and utilities, which are effectively never localized due both to the cost of localizing propriety in-house tools and to the rapid rate of change in such tools; keeping localization up-to-date is not especially feasible in those environments.

While nanofmt targets games developers in particular, and games are heavily and frequently localized, it is not expected that nanofmt would be used for player-facing text. Game UI text tends to use heavily specialized toolkits and rely on iconography, layout, color and style, and other factors to convey information; nanofmt-like text formatting is exceptionally rare in such UI.

Character Conversion

nanofmt includes implementations of to_chars mostly because there are shipping “C++17” implementations that are very much in common use in target industries but which do not offer complete to_chars implementations. This is especially true for float/double.

nanofmt uses the Dragonbox reference implementation in its floating-point to_chars implementations. There are no fallbacks to other implementations as found in fmtlib or std::to_chars. This in particular limits the precision of fixed-point formats in nanofmt.

The precision limitation is not currently believed to be a showstopper, but may be revisited if use cases from nanofmt users illustrates a strong need for more intricate fixed-point formatting.

The Dragonbox reference implementation is used for the work-horse portions of floating-point to decimal conversion.


Most of nanofmt is not constexpr. This is an intentional choice.

Making a constexpr-friendly formatting library unfortunately requires that most of the implementation of the formatters and all supporting machinery also be constexpr, which in turn means it all has to live in headers.

This might be a much smaller issue once we’re all living with C++20 modules, but today, the cost paid by every user for constexpr capabilties is very high.

That said, constexpr formatting is a generally useful feature. nanofmt may, if use cases arise, offer a second const_format.h header or the like which includes/imports constexpr definitions of the format implementations. Such an approach would allow individual TUs to opt-in to pulling in all the machinery if and only if they actually need it.

Note that we have thus far kept the parsing* part of nanofmt all constexpr capable, since we may wish to enable compile-time format string checking capabilities for projects that (wisely) prefer such a feature. All known potential users of nanofmt are not yet using C++20 so compile-time checking isn’t a priority. We may instead opt to just entirely drop the constexpr parsing support if we decide we’re not going to support it anytime soon.

Alignment, Width, Alternate Forms, and Other Specifiers

nanofmt implements are relatively limited set of the fmtlib/std::format specifiers. All are parsed, but most are ignored.

This isn’t a “design” so much as just not having had the use cases made for supporting all of them yet. Alternate form for integers is high on the list, though.

The goal isn’t to be feature-complete, and some of these specifiers are juuust annoying enough to implement that it’ll only be done on-demand.