Who is This For?

Developers and teams who are still choosing to use snprintf or related technologies instead of fmtlib or std::format.

Developers and teams who are using snprintf and have explicitly rejected fmtlib, but still want to get its two biggest features: type-aware formatting and user-extensible type support.

Said developers are still okay with accepting snprintf’s other limitation of only being able to write to character buffers.


The author has worked on multiples teams in the AAA games industry that have strong cultural tendencies to prefering snprintf for all string formatting. Reasons cited are usually something like:

  • Minimizing dependencies, as a reason not to use fmtlib.

  • Supporting older compilers, as a reason not to use std::format.

  • Deep distrust of standard headers, as a reason to avoid std::format; and any library that uses many standard headers, as a reason not to use fmtlib.

  • Dislike of namespaces. Note that nanofmt at this time doesn’t “help” here but it’s a very possible/probable future evolution.

  • Compile times, as a reason to reinvent every wheel.

Compile Times? Really?

That’s two questions, but yes and yes.

It is common (though not universal!) in industries like AAA game development to heavily optimize for compilation times. The primary reason for this is iteration speed.

This is a large, complex, and nuanced topic. It is very inaccurate to say that “all game developers” need or care about X.

The best summary for this FAQ, though: some developers critically value having very fast edit-run-test cycles and will spend considerable time and effort up-front to make those cycles faster later.

nanofmt is meant for teams who include “minimizing C++ compilation times” in their efforts to achieve the fastest edit-run-test cycles.

Why Avoid Standard Headears?

Historically, many standard headers have been very “heavy,” introducing tens or hundreds of thousands of lines of complex C++ into any translation unit including them. Compile times have suffered.

Beyond the headers themselves, standard library implementations are generally written to a level of completeness and foolproof-ness that imposes costs some developers don’t wish to pay for.

For example, the checked iterators_ machinery in MSVC and the equivalents in libstdc++ and libc++ impose a cost. Even when disabled, the cost is found in numerous small wrapper functions and other utilities that tend to decrease compiler throughput for an otherwise disabled feature.

Teams that care about these items will often write code that is more like C, with plenty of raw pointers and thin abstractions, simply because it’s easier and faster for the compiler to process.

How Does nanofmt Help With Compile Times?

To be clear, nanofmt at this point has not been extensively benchmarked with any rigor, and we’re only _assuming_ it helps.

The design around not using output iterators is one way nanofmt aims to improve over fmtlib or std::format for teams that deeply care about compile times.

In general, nanofmt is written to be more C-like in the sense that abstractions are minimal, plain values are used where possible, and raw pointers are used exclusively in place RAII containers, smart pointers, or iterator wrappers.

The result is simply a lot less code to do (some of) the same stuff. The loss of abstractions necessarily comes with a large loss of functionality and flexibility. nanofmt is the result when the choice is made to lean in favor of simpler (and faster to compile) code rather than more featureful but complicated code.

No IO Support For Real?

Not at the time of writing, no. The author’s experience is that actual direct-to-console writing is (relatively) rare, even with developer tools, in target domains. Direct IO to files is very rare, and directly IO to socket streams is close to unheard of, in target domains.

Where console IO does happen, these are usually either tools that are far more open to using standard libraries or librarieies like fmtlib. The few remaining cases can make do just fine with using char arrays as a temporary buffer.

Yes, it’s slower and more constricting to writing to a buffer before writing to (already buffered) standard output facilities. These aren’t the areas of performance that the kinds of teams who might use nanofmt really care about, though.

Won’t C++20 Modules Make This Obsolute?

Maybe? Hopefully? Less duplicate code to maintain is only a good thing. I will only be happy if I never have to personally think about a floating- point string conversion routine again.

The reality is likely a bit more murky. For one, nanofmt exists now but C++20 modules are possibly still years away from even being a viable option for new projects. At the time of writing, compiler support is incomplete and very buggy; build system support is nearly non-existant; module-aware linters and doc generators and like is also non-existant; and the general user and ecosystem support can best be described as nascent.

Further, note that modules only help part of the compile time overhead. At best, we can expect modules to reduce the cost of parsing large header hierarchies. While that is a significant amount of the time incurred with compiling libraries like fmtlib or std::format, another large chunk of the time goes into instantiating templates, resolving function overloads, evaluating constexpr functions, and so on.

nanofmt, by virtue of steeply limiting its feature set and general applicability, aims to reduce the need for as much of that “use time” overhead as possible. While it’s almost certainly impossible to hit the minimal compile-time of snprintf, the goal is to keep the difference small enough that the “developer time” benefits of a type-safe user- extensible format library outweighs the compile time costs.

What Does nanofmt Support?

In general, it supports type-aware and user-extensible formatting using the standard format specification<std-format-spec>, mostly.

It supports writing to length-delimited char* arrays.

Support exists for formatting most standard built-in C++ types, including typical integer and floating-point types, booleans, characters, raw pointers, and C-style strings.

The std_string.h header may be included for std::basic_string and std::basic_string_view support.

What Does nanofmt Not Support?

There is no support for output iterators other than char*.

There is no support for character types other than char.

There is no support for locales.

There is no formatter support for standard library types. The std_string.h header enables support for standard string types.

There is no support for console or file IO.

There is no support for versions of the language older than C++17.

There is no drop-in API compatibility with either fmtlib or std::format.

There is no support for long double and no suport for (u)int128_t.

Any feature of fmtlib or std::format not explicitly named in this or the prior section should likely be considered unsupported.

Does it Support Floating-Point Types?

Yes, nanofmt has support for both float and double.

The Dragonbox reference implementation is used for the work-horse portions of float to decimal conversion.

Was it Worth It?

Probably not.

The nanofmt author has implemented several fmtlib replacements for work.

In comparison, the author has been working on nanofmt for 12+ hours/day for about a week; and that doesn’t include all the time the author spent building the precursors to nanofmt in personal projects, going all the way back to formatxx (an “ancient” C++11 library), and including re-writing formatxx to incorporate into commercial game codebases with specialized requirements (like drop-in Boost.Format compatibility).

Will This be Maintained?

Excellent question.

… too soon to tell. If having a dedicated maintainer is important to you, this library might be a little too new and untested for your needs.

As stated in the C++ modules FAQ question, there’s a very real future where this entire library is obsolete. To that end, while nanofmt is not a direct drop-in replacement for std::format, it aims to be “close enough” that migrating from nanofmt to the standard equivalent is meant to be straightforward.